Saturday, May 18, 2013

Baba and Chita are pregnant!

Baba and Chita are pregnant! In fact Chita looks ready to burst.We are not sure when this happened so their due date will be a surprise. We expect it to be before months end.

Baba has had to take a job at the family business, now that he is going to be a father.
 Cleo is excited because now she has a title, head dog in charge of cat herding. Baba's has made lots of new friends this week, and lots of folks have gotten a chance to meet their first Jungle Bob.

Link to Baba's page


Link to Chita's page


We will post kittens pics here as soon as they arrive!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013



Farah our poly-footed barn cat girl has proven to be a beautiful and very unique girl.I have been trying to get a photo that shows her face but haven't managed but thought I should post a few pics anyway.

Here she is the day she came home at about 6 weeks

She is now about 9 mo, and has the most amazing wild face. I started calling her my little lion because of her wide long nose bridge. She has such a different look to her face.I will catch that eventually, so far she drops her head because of the flash.

Another unusual thing about Farah is she has an actual mane.She has short fur at her shoulders then just as if we tied on a novelty fake fur mane it turns longer in a ruff that goes all the way around her neck.

She is a Long coated spotted girl, you can make out her spots in a number of shorter areas of her coat. Her mother had short fur, as does her brother and you can see the spots clearly on them.Her other nickname is poofy tail!

A better pic of her mane

You can make out her huge poly feet, which she really does use like hands. I am constantly amazed how my poly cats use their feet, and how much dexterity they have.

darn flash

Farah may be our most gymnastically talented cat, she likes to keep herself amused with her antics...audience of one. She dropped our jaws one day while she was throwing around a piece of silicone caulking pulled from an old tub during a reno. She was throwing it over her shoulder then twisting and flipping to catch it. She then from a full sit did a back flip landing back in he sit, probably never see that again!

She is a gorgeous cat and a real lover. We have 12 cats and although they all have great temperaments, there are those who dislike one cat or another. Farah is the only cat that everybody likes. We can house her with anyone.